Daria Cater | Finance |
Sarra Dupuis | Translation, closed captions, text editing |
Eve-Ariane Papillon | Translation |
Cathy English | Curator |
FD Productions | Video production |
Tomo Fujimura | Assistant researcher |
Gillian Hewitt | Closed captions, text editing |
Hayley Johnson | Project management |
Jan Morehouse | RMA board director |
Tania Peters | Audience evaluation |
Laura Rooney | RMA board treasurer |
Steve Shannon | Photography |
Ben Shaw | Photography |
Sland Studios with Daryl Suttie | Web development |
Laura Stovel | Image acquisition & copyright |
Kendra Von Bremen | Education specialist |
Kathryn Whiteside | Web design |
John Woods | Research / writing |
Numerous institutions and individuals helped us research and present this virtual exhibit, please join us in thanking them.